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Information for Hirers of Forest Green Village Hall

The hall is run by volunteers and we rely on the good will of you, the hirer of the hall and your guests, to take care of the hall during your time here.

Forest Green Village Hall has a small reception area; main hall; kitchen; toilets (M, F, & disabled); a small committee room; and store room for tables, chairs etc.

The kitchen is equipped with a fridge, conventional cooker, microwave, two kettles, and a small hot water urn. It does not have cooking pots, dishes, cutlery, mugs or glasses.

A vacuum cleaner is available and kept in the store room or the disabled toilet.

Central heating automatically comes on for a short time am & pm during winter months. To override the time switch, please see the notice adjacent to the boiler. The boiler is in the small committee room.

Adjust temperature at the thermostat (half way down the long wall in the main hall).

FIRE EXITS are at each end of the main hall on its long wall; and in the small committee room.
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS are in the main hall close to the store room, and in the kitchen.

FIRE SERVICES / POLICE – 999 on a mobile phone (reception is poor; try in the entrance area)
or 999 using the phone box on the Green (opposite and to the left of the hall).

A first aid box is available in the kitchen. Accidents should be recorded in the book provided.

Please leave the hall ready for the use of the next hirer by checking that:

  1. All tables and chairs are clean and stacked in the storage room
  2. All floors are clean
  3. All toilets are flushed and clean
  4. All rubbish is removed – you may put rubbish in sacks in the black bin outside, recycled rubbish in the green bin.
  5. All items belonging to you and your guests are removed.
  6. The central heating timer is returned to twice daily and the thermostat to 18o (Winter months)
  7. The curtains are drawn apart.

If you have used the kitchen, please

  1. Tidy the kitchen, wipe down surfaces and take all food away with you
  2. Leave fridge clean inside and switched on
  3. Switch off all other appliances (apart from the fridge) at the wall

and finally check:

  1. All the lights are turned off – an outside ‘sensor’ light will remain on for a few minutes
  2. You have locked the door and returned the key.

Forest Green Village Hall Committee October 06